Top 16 NGSA Performers from Region 7 receive Mobile Tablets
Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance, Hon. Gail Teixeira M.P., on November 11 held an award ceremony at the Potaro Primary School with the top 16 National Grade Six Assessment performers from the Region.
Minister Teixeira began this tradition in 2021, and keeping with the commitment made at that ceremony, returned to Region 7 in 2022 to meet with the top performers to reward them for their outstanding achievements.
The students were presented with mobile tablets to improve connectivity for classes, research and all other online resources. Each student was also in receipt of a letter from the Minister encouraging continued success and motivating them to remain committed to both their academic studies and extra-curricular activities.
Tokens were delivered to students from Jawalla and Waramadong, who could not be at the ceremony.